Watch: I Am Twenty (1967)

Watch: I Am Twenty (1967)
I am 20 (1967), Films Division of India

What would it be like to wind back the clock?
I am 20 (1967) is a simple, 18 minute documentary commissioned by the Films Division of India, a state run organisation responsible for making informational films about India.
The most iconic film made by the Division, director S. N. Sastry sought ought young men and women born on August 15, 1947 (just like in Midnight’s Children!), and asks them questions about how the ‘new’ India — twenty years since it wrested its freed from the yoke of the British Empire — is treating them.
In candid, articulate and moving interviews, they share their views about the nation, their hopes and dreams, ambitions and inspirations: it’s a must-watch.