Read: Remnants of Partition, by Aanchal Malhotra

“The book has been the most memorable, emotional, and powerful piece of writing I have ever come across. It has been difficult to comprehend with the fact that most of the owners of these objects had witnessed such atrocities during the partition of India and many more had suffered a great deal.
I vividly remember the hugely distressing story behind the sword of Ajit Kaur Kapoor and the tenderness expressed in This Bird of Gold, My Land: The Hopeful Heart of Nazmuddin Khan, which contained the beautiful phrase,
“This land, this very land that you stand on right now, was once the greatest land in the world”.
Nazmuddin Khan, in This Bird of Gold, My Land
I have been so immersed in the partition of India since reading this book that it has led me to undertake further reading on this topic such as Partition Voices: Untold British Stories by (journalist & broadcaster) Kavita Puri, and The Other Side of Silence by Urvashi Butalia (Director & Co-founder of Kali for Women) both of which review diaries, memoirs, documents, and interviews of the untold stories before, during and after the partition.
It would be wonderful to visit the Partition Museum, in Amritsar. It would be even better if the museum could exhibit the work at a venue in London.”