Read: Partition Voices: Untold British Stories, by Kavita Puri
“Partition Voices is a thought-provoking and heartfelt book written by Kavita Puri. Many parts of the book – including individual accounts of the partition – were emotionally moving for me. The South Asian community has remained mostly silent for more than seven decades regarding the horrendous violence of the 1947 partition.

Memories are still raw today. Kavita and other authors have unlocked the painful stories experienced by individuals at that time. It must have been so difficult for those Asians who came to the UK after partition – given what they had already been through and then having to fight another battle to be accepted by their new home.”
I find it strange that there are no museums in the UK devoted to the subject of British Empire and its effects on India, the subcontinent and its people. Yet, many South Asians born in the UK yearn to discover and learn more about this fascinating history.
Sukhwinder sagoo-reddy